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Update Your Approach to Finding Cover
The Insurance risk module of the Risk Dashboard will inform you if you are missing any insurance which you are required to have by law.
Additionally, the audit will take you through a series of questions to determine your risk level based on which insurances which may be pertinent to your business, and will inform you of areas in which you may wish to invest cover.
Controlling Risks
The Risk Dashboard is not about creating huge amounts of paperwork, but rather about identifying sensible measures to control the risks in your workplace. For insurance you need to think about:
What might cause harm to your business operations
Whether you are taking reasonable steps to prevent any hazards
As part of managing your business, you must control the risks in your workplace, and the Risk Dashboard software allows you to take protective steps to mitigate said risks, and help inform you which insurance policies may be necessary for your business.
Use the Risk Dashboard software and identify what your business needs to protect.