by Neil Campbell | Sep 28, 2022 | Accountancy, Business Risk
At Risk Dashboard we recommend the orchestration of risk across the customer journey, to improve client efficiency and effectiveness. The ability to identify, understand, mitigate and ultimately transfer risk lies at the heart of protecting your clients business. Data...
by Neil Campbell | Sep 5, 2022 | Business Growth, Business Risk
What really is ‘Advisory’? With so much debate, the profession needs a more uniformed definition to build upon. “When I think about advisory, it is a long term approach which is forward-looking, service-oriented and centered around helping clients achieve their goals...
by Neil Campbell | Aug 23, 2022 | Business Risk
New research indicates that nearly half of accountants have left their role due to the lack of training opportunities. In a sector with traditional values and clear recognition as important as the ‘trusted advisor’ status, why therefore is the accounting sector losing...
by Neil Campbell | Aug 4, 2022 | Business Risk
The recent Lloyds Bank Business Barometer reported a fall in business confidence by 3 points to 25%, as inflation reaches its highest level for 40 years, with the cost on living pressures continuing to grow, 66% of firms quoting inflation as having the most negative...
by Neil Campbell | Jul 13, 2022 | Business Growth, Business Risk
Amid a global shortage of talent across the accounting and advisory sector. Evidence shows those firms developing talent in the identification and manage of risk strategies reap the benefits of talent acquisition and retention. We know what the traditional...
by Neil Campbell | May 26, 2022 | Accountancy, Business Growth, Business Risk
For nearly 5 years, Risk Dashboard has been working hard to inform and educate Business Owners and their Advisors on the importance of effective Risk Management. Why for the advisory firm? Practice what you preach. A professional Risk Audit is simply good business,...