It’s Written In The Stars

Apr 29, 2019


Someone recently told us that the Risk Dashboard was like the fortune teller of the business world. We can understand how the comparison came about! Whilst we might not have a crystal ball to tell you how the future of your business is going to pan out, and we’re not able to read the palms of your suppliers to tell you if they’re trustworthy, we can give you the knowledge and the tools you need to be able to make informed decisions about your future.


Let the stars be your guide…

Replace ‘stars’ with ‘dashboard’ and it starts to sound a little more like us. In astrology, the movement of the stars and planets are interpreted as having an influence on human behaviour. If you think of every department in your company as a star, then it starts to make a little more sense. The way each department shines will affect the way your company operates. For example, a strong sales department but a weak production line could mean problems with demand or even complaints about quality. Every department links in together, they’re all cogs in the wheel.

The Risk Dashboard gives you full oversight of every department in one clear platform. We analyse your processes and people to ensure overall business compliance and work with you to create a prioritised list of potential improvements to help your company to grow.


Make your own fortune

Only when you’ve strengthened the foundations of your company can you begin to plan ahead. This is where our fortune-telling comparison really comes into its own! We’re a risk management advisory platform, and that means being able to evaluate different outcomes by connecting information from across your organisation. Only then will you be able to understand how your risk levels change as your company evolves.

Business isn’t just black and white; you should think of your company as an evolving entity, where one small change could have huge consequences – good or bad. By investing in a platform like the Risk Dashboard, you’ll be able to have everything in one easy to navigate application, making it really simple to address issues that might have otherwise remained hidden away at the back of a filing cabinet.

We can work with you in advising next steps, future investments and different directions, by giving you access to the bigger picture and access to a library of resources. Whilst we can’t promise to be able to read your future, we can give you the tools you need to encourage a successful and profitable outcome for your company.

For more information on how the Risk Dashboard can support your business and your management team, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today.


You can visit our website, or contact Neil Campbell, Commercial Director on or We look forward to hearing from you.

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