Get Your Ducks in a Row to Ensure Business Compliance

Dec 3, 2018

Ducks in a row


Brexit continues to dominate the headlines, with Theresa May working hard to win the support of MPs. The departure date to leave the EU currently sits at 29th March 2019, and many are still very concerned about leaving the European Union with either a ‘bad’ deal or no deal at all. For business this could spell disaster, it could even result in a recession. What it does mean is that the government will be taking a close look at what legislation and regulations currently surround UK businesses, making it more important than ever that your business is compliant. The Risk Dashboard can and will help you achieve this.

1.   Reduce the risk to your business

The transparency the Risk Dashboard gives you over your business is the secret to its success. On one clear platform, you can see exactly what the strengths and weaknesses are within your company, equipping you with the tools and knowledge to make key changes efficiently.

With so much at stake in the coming months, it’s never been more important to have visibility over every department within your company. The Risk Dashboard integrates into your existing structures to work with you in finding quick solutions to ensure compliance. With the law potentially set to change, now is the time to get all of your ducks in a row.

2.   Ensure fair treatment to your Staff

Compliance covers employee training, employee rewards, and pay. You need to make sure that everyone within your company is comfortable with the law and how it affects them at work, including the way in which they treat each other and how it may impact their day-to-day role.

Our Human Resources module is designed to help you in ensuring that everyone within the company is compliant and receives adequate training. This will help you to build a safe and respectful workplace, reducing the risk of expensive lawsuits.

When it comes to Brexit, having a competent Human Resources department can make your workforce feel more relaxed and safe in their job, especially if you employ staff of different nationalities. The Risk Dashboard can help you to achieve this.

3.   Build lasting relationships with Consumers

Whether you trade within or outside of the EU is irrelevant, you will still need to concentrate on building lasting relationships with your consumers and suppliers post-Brexit. This applies to you even if your business only works with those within the UK. The fact of the matter is, everyone is going to be feeling the strain when the law changes, and everyone will want to do business with those they trust.

Having the Risk Dashboard within your company will help you to strengthen these relationships, create lasting contracts and demonstrating to business partners that you’re invested in the future of your business – making them much more likely to remain in business with you.

For more information, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Neil Campbell, Commercial Director, on or We look forward to hearing from you.

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