Don’t Be Scared of Going Digital This Halloween

Oct 31, 2018


With Halloween just around the corner, we wanted to take a moment to think about what might scare business owners away from moving their processes online. How can we help them to realise the risk of not going digital is much more frightening?

Humans are creatures of habit, and so it really can take more than a little persuasion to nudge people in the direction of change. This is especially true where business is concerned. It’s all too easy to get stuck in a rut doing the same thing day in day out without looking at the bigger picture, and that’s when things can start to go wrong, and what we hope to eliminate for you.

We’re sure that you trust your accountants and heads of department to do their jobs brilliantly on a daily basis – and we don’t doubt they’re doing a cracking job. They are experts in their field, and know how the company works – and that’s a brilliant combination. But… and it’s a big but… are they really being as efficient as they need to be, and is your business really as robust as you think? Experience tells us that you may be in for a ‘trick’ and not a ‘treat’ when you take a closer look!


What is there to be scared about?

People are scared to go digital as it means moving everything online and exposing areas of weakness for everyone to see. A new digital dashboard surely means a new direction and overhaul of all processes, right? And let’s be honest, no one wants to be told how to do their job – but this fear is completely irrational. The Risk Dashboard aims to integrate with your existing systems and work with your team, not against it. So, there’s really no reason to be afraid.

It’s worth mentioning that our economic climate is a hot topic in the news, with the topic of Brexit on the tip of everyone’s tongue. The truth is, no one knows how things are going to go, and all you can do for your business is mitigate risk and ensure your company is proactive, not reactive. That’s where we come in.


Why should you go digital with your business processes?

We’ll look at every department within your business and provide an overview of areas that present a business risk, as well as those areas that are performing well. We’ll organise tasks for you to complete on a timeline that works for you with the aim of growing your business. We have a library of resources that are quick and simple for you to access, and a team of people on hand to answer any questions you might have along the way.

For more information on how the risk dashboard can work for you, please don’t hesitate to contact Neil Campbell, Commercial Director on or


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