Are Skydivers Risk-Takers?

Sep 19, 2018

sky diver


Think of skydiving and you think of the adrenaline. You think of an individual who quite literally throws caution to the wind. You think of a thrill-seeker. You think of a risk taker. But is that impression accurate?

We don’t think so.

As experts in managing risk, we feel like anything is possible as long as you’re prepared, and the climate is right. Whilst skydiving might seem like a leap of faith, there’s a lot more that goes on behind the scenes, and a lot can be directly compared to the Risk Dashboard!

We’ve put together three questions a skydiver might ask themselves before they jump, and surprisingly they’re questions that you as a business owner should be asking yourself too.

Have you received the right training, and do you have the right equipment?

A skydiver won’t jump without a parachute. They won’t jump unless they’re confident in how the equipment works, and they won’t jump unless they have rehearsed the right way to land without breaking a bone.

Why should risk-taking in your business be any different? Would you sign that contract, release that equity, invest in a new product, if you haven’t done your research? Some decisions will inevitably take more time to make, and it’s our job to highlight to you what the risks could be, and which ones might require a bit more preparation to answer.

Is it the right time to jump?

A skydiver has to reach the right altitude before they jump. (The standard skydiving altitude is a staggering 12,500 feet.) Too high or too low could seriously risk their lives. Equally, the weather conditions need to be just right. Rain, storms and heavy winds all spell disaster.

Timing is everything in business. Is the economic climate right? Is the vendor in a position to negotiate? What is the current exchange rate? We will help to guide you through potential areas of risk, supporting you every step of the way so you have the full picture before you ‘jump’.

Do you know where you’re supposed to land?

Part of the risk is not knowing, we understand that. But forecast data should mean you have a pretty good idea of where your business decisions are going to take you. Sometimes you need to give investments time. Other times it quickly becomes clear to walk away and start in another direction. The Risk Dashboard platform helps you to manage risk so your decisions make more business sense.

Sometimes it’s all too easy to want to go on an adventure or go off on a tangent, but just as a skydiver has a spot they aim to land in, your business needs to be heading in the right direction.

For more information on how the Risk Dashboard can assist you in your business, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We look forward to hearing from you, visit our website or please don’t hesitate to contact Neil Campbell, Commercial Director on or


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