The Risk of Poor Health and Safety Standards

May 14, 2019


Health and safety should be at the centre of every company, no matter what the size and no matter what the industry. Whether it’s compulsory manual handling training, machine specific training, policy changes for on-site verses off-site, or identifying biohazards in the work place – everyone employed by you should have compulsory health and safety training that takes into account their everyday duties, as well as the wider picture. Even something as simple as sitting at an office desk all day comes with risk – and as such, your team needs to be educated on how their health could be affected as a result.

The Risk Dashboard has a module dedicated to health and safety. In this module, we delve into controlling risk as well as providing solutions, and we aim to do so without creating piles of paperwork. Instead, we compile everything into an easily navigable platform that can effortlessly tie in with every other aspect of your company.

Health and safety can often feel like a daunting maze – with time-consuming protocol to consider and costly training to implement. It really doesn’t need to be like that at all. Our module breaks it down into bite-sized chunks, enabling you to feel in control and able to manage the risk that health and safety breaches could cause.


When it comes to health and safety, there are three main things to consider:

  1. Educating your staff on the risk
  2. Enabling staff to feel confident reporting risk
  3. Having clear policies in place to control the risk

These are discussed in more detail below.


What might cause harm to people in your business?

The first step in managing health and safety risk is to identify what could cause harm. This is often industry-specific, but Risk Dashboard is able to assist with this task. We can use our expertise to identify a risk that you may not have previously considered, and work with you to develop methods to communicate these risks with the wider team.


Are you taking reasonable steps to prevent them?

This step includes both planning to prevent health and safety hazards as well as ensuring staff feel comfortable reporting potential hazards, or asking questions about current policy. It’s hugely important to maintain a two-way line of communication between management and staff.


Do you have a policy in place should something go wrong?

Unfortunately, it doesn’t matter how much planning you have in place, things can – and do – go wrong. With the Risk Dashboard by your side, this should be minimal, but it does highlight the need to have a clear plan of action to launch should something happen.

For more information on how the Risk Dashboard can support your business and your team, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today.

You can visit our website, or contact Neil Campbell, Commercial Director on or We look forward to hearing from you.


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