How Can The Risk Dashboard Support Your Accounting Team?

Apr 8, 2019


Staying up-to-date when it comes to your finances is incredibly important, especially for small companies where a late payment could result in costly fines. This makes accountants the backbone of any business. Not only do they keep everything ticking over, but they’re the go-to person (or people!) when it comes to any sort of financial advice; be that a future investment, new product launch or change in supplier. They have all the answers, they’re the ones spinning all of the plates, and so it’s no surprise that accountants have gone digital.

Knowing what software to invest in for your accountant is the next step. There are so many different options, but whatever you choose, it’s vital you think about how it could impact your entire business. This is where the Risk Dashboard has the edge, as we look at the business as a whole, not just your finances. As a risk management software company, we are experts in bringing everything together to develop a business continuity plan that aligns with your goals.

There are two main features of the Risk Dashboard that we feel make it a great fit with any accounting department.


It integrates with existing software and it’s really easy to implement

We’re well aware of accountants being cautious to adopt a new approach when they’ve no doubt established a work method suited for them. This is why we’ve focused so hard on creating an ‘accountant friendly’ package, meaning it’s easy to install and manage on a daily basis.

It also means it’s adaptable and flexible, so it can grow as your business grows, without the need for investing in costly infrastructure. Our modules range from finance to human resources, to marketing and procurement and supply… this simply means that you can have the unique ability to step back and look at the overall health of your business, all in one place.

Ensures business compliance

Compliance is key, especially with new laws surrounding Brexit that will no doubt create plenty of hoops to jump through in the coming months. This makes it even more important to be able to ensure compliance and control risks. By having full visibility of your business entity, it becomes much easier to ensure compliance over all sectors.

To help you to manage compliance, the Risk Dashboard –

  • Identifies any current outstanding issues and provides you with solutions, including presenting business partners to work with you to correct and mitigate liability.
  • Provides a weighted algorithm based on severity of risk.
  • Uses best in class KPIs to manage risk across all business sectors, regardless of industry or size.
  • Focuses on problem areas to allow you to prioritise your workload.


For more information on how the Risk Dashboard can support your accounting team in ensuring business compliance, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. You can visit our website, or contact Neil Campbell, Commercial Director on or We look forward to hearing from you.

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